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Linda Stiller ~ Multimedia Artist

"To develop a complete mind:  Study the science of art; Study the art of science.


Learn how to see.  Realize that everything connects to everything else."

Leonardo da Vinci




Ballroom Dancer

Home Design Consultant

Animal Enthusiast and Trainer

While this website is dedicated to showcasing the visual art forms I have created in various mediums, the interests and vocations I have pursued through the years have all played a role in my creations.  I am inspired by my surroundings and try to incorporate that feeling in my work.  Whether it be my glass work or my paintings, they are all inspired by land and sea, or strong architectural lines.

As you can tell, I also love animals. My commissioned portraits are from photographs sent by the client. I use 16 different shades of graphite in each original portrait. Each portrait, once started, takes about two weeks to complete.

The common thread.. the connection.. within the art and science of my work is passion for design and dedication to detail. 

Thank you for taking the time to visit and explore the diversity of mediums and artistry in my work. 

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